My Stampin’ Up! Promotions…hhtp:// To Contact Me…

May 26, Spring Fling

It was a VERY full day of stamping.  Lots of cards, a picture frame that can be changed with the seasons, a couple of special folds and a little project.  We shared a potluck lunch with the Needlecraft ladies but kept our noses to the grindstone and were finished by 4:30.
Here are the projects.  First a recycled Baker’s Twine holder – pretty handy!
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Three special cards, one of which was pretty fussy but sure looked nice when done!

A picture frame that can have a different insert every season or every month!  It can have a tiny photo or two, or one larger one with fewer mini squares.  When the insert is rotated the squares can be used as card embellishents.
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And lots of cards!!

SAVE THE DATE for Fall Fest 2013 on October 27!  It is a busy day, but lots of fun.