In July - with the new catalogue - we will be getting 5 NEW colours, 10 returning 'In Colors' and 5 NEW 'In Colors'. (Three of the returning' In Colors' are from this year; Rich Razzleberry, Melon Mambo and Soft Suede.)
Unfortunately with adding new colors we need to 'retire' some old colors...

Here is a list of the colours we are losing.
Almost Amethyst,Apricot Appeal, Ballet Blue, Barely Banana, Basic Brown, Blush Blossom, Bordering Blue, Brilliant Blue, Brocade Blue, Cameo Coral, Close To Cocoa, Creamy Caramel, Gable Green, Glorious Green, Going Gray, Green Galore, Handsome Hunter, Lavender Lace, Lovely Lilac, Mellow Moss, Only Orange, Orchid Opulence, Pale Plum, Pink Passion, Pixie Pink, Really Rust, Ruby Red, Sage Shadow, Summer Sun, Taken With Teal, YoYo Yellow.
Check your ink pads (classic and craft) and make sure you have re-inkers for all of them. Check your favourite colors and make sure you have the cardstock you want. The accessories for these colors such as ribbon, brads, buttons, etc.will be retiring too so have a look at those items too.
these items before the end of May because starting June 1 these items will only be available while quantities last.
The NEW COLOR COLLECTIONS are wonderful and will be as easy to use and as beautiful as our old palette, but just make sure you have a plentiful supply of your favourites.